Saturday, March 6, 2010

March, 2010


85-01 Distribution and ecology of native turtles. PG.* Preliminary report. 14 p.

86,87 Common loons in the Bull Run Watershed, April-June, 1986,1987. CC. 34 p. ea.

86-02 Reproductive biology of chestnut-backed and black-capped chickadees in the Portland, Oregon area. PG. 15 p.

86-03 Secondary effects of Bacillus thuringiensis spray on avian predators: The reproductive success of chestnut-backed chickadees. PG. 20 p.

87-01 Aquatic herptile survey of Frog Creek and vicinity, Mt. Hood National Forest. CC. 7 p.

87-02 Impact of B. t. on growth and reproductive success of chickadees. PG. 21 p.

87,etc. Wetland Wildlife Watch: annual program reports, 1987 - 2009. CC. 8-14 p. ea.

88-02 Wetlands in the Big Bend area of the Bull Run Watershed. CC. 7 p.

88-03 Long term impact of B. t. on diet and reproductive success of chickadees. PG. 7 p.

88-04 Bluebird nesting success - 1988. PG. (Addendum. CC.) 33 p.

88-05 Common loon breeding in Oregon - 1988. CC. 22 p.

89-02 Barn owl pellet analysis. TD. 2 p.

90,91 Common loon breeding in Oregon and Washington: reports for 1989, 1991. CC. 22, 7 p.

90,etc. Hillsboro Landfill wetlands monitoring: annual reports, 1990 - 1993. CG & CC. 12-77 p.

91,etc. Reprod. success of west. and mtn. bluebirds, reports 1988-1990,’91,’92. CC. 24,7,2 p.

92-01 Native turtle rehabilitation, 1991 summary. TD. 2 p.

92-02A Bluebird study at Murderers Creek Wildlife Mgt. Area, 1990-1991 report. CC. 3 p.

93-03 Training stream inventory crews for amphibian data collection. CC & CT. 3 p.

93-04 Smith/Bybee Wildlife Watch final report. JK. 12 p.

94-04 Summary of 1994 amphibian training sessions. CC & CT. 3 p.

95-02 Preliminary land/water management plan, Neskowin property. CC, DC, JK, & MW. 6 p.

95,01 Common loon management in the Bull Run Watershed. CC. 7 p.

96,etc.Olympic vulture study: progress reports, 1995 - 2003. DM. 3-9 p.

97,etc. Oregon slender salamander study: field work updates, 1997 - 1999. CC, FC. 3-13 p.

98-01 Oregon spotted frog egg mass counts at Conboy NWR. FC. 1p.

98-03 Five year plan for studying and managing wildlife at Smith and Bybee Lakes. SB, EB, TD, SS. 66 p.

98-02 Wetland Wildlife Watch – Review of 1987 to 1997. CC. 9 p.

98-04 Bluebird productivity and medusahead control at Murderers Creek Wildlife Management area in 1997. CC. 6 p.

98,00 Laminated ID cards for Plethodon salamanders: Washington, N Oregon. CC, FC. $5.

99-02 Oregon slender salamander surveys at Silver Falls State Park. CC. 10 p.

99,01 Wildlife Research at Smith and Bybee Lakes Natural Area – Annual Reports for 1999 and 2000. TD, SS, SB. 56, 34 p.

99-03 Snoqualmie Pass Amphibian Surveys. CC, DH. 6 p.

* PG – Philip Gaddis, CC – Charlotte Corkran, CG – Christie Galen, TD – Teresa DeLorenzo, CT – Chris Thoms, JK – Jeffrey Kee, MW – Mirth Walker, DC – David Corkran, DH – Davis Harrington, DM – Diann MacRae, FC – Fara Currim, SB – Sue Beilke, EB – Elayne Barclay, HS – Heather Stevens, SS – Stephanie Sackett, DH – David Harrington, CF – Cathy Flick, AC – Anita Christensen. CR – Chris Rombough, LM – Linda McGinnis.

99,etc. Common Nighthawk Project reports, 1999 - 2003. CF. 3 p. ea.

00-02 Desolation Meadow Amphibian Survey, 2000. CC. 7 p.

00-05 Hall Slough Restoration Project. TD. 2 p. + 7 p . color

00-06 Amphibian and Reptile Survey of Marine Park Wetlands, Vancouver. CC. 2 p.

00-08 Thermal Requirements of Oregon Slender Salamanders, progress report. DH. 15 p.

01-03 Amphibian surveys in Yellowstone National Park. CC. 15 p.

01-07 Nest Box Monitoring Manual. CC. 39 p.

03-02 Wetland Wildlife Watch Summary – 1987 to 2002. CC.14 p.

03-06 Knappa Restoration Projects. TD.1p.

04-01 Surveys for N. Red-legged Frog on McCarthy Creek and Associated Wetlands. SB.3p.

06-02 Bald Eagle, Osprey, and Common Loon Surveys at Bull Run Lake, 2006. CC. 2p.

07-02 Ranid frog & western toad monitoring on the Mt. Hood NF, 1986-2007. CC. 16p.

07-04 Surveys for Oregon’s two imperiled turtle species. SB, AC. 9p.

09-02 Oregon Zoo Grant Turtle Report. SB, AC. 11p.

09-03 Portland Bureau of Environmental Services Turtle Report. SB, CR, LM. 45p.

10-01 Port of Portland Turtle Survey Report. SB.


S-01 Examination of nest boxes - Bickleton Bluebird Trail, 1989. Abigail Kennedy. 7 p.
S-02 Examination of nest boxes - Estacada Seed Orchard, 1989. Abigail Kennedy. 7 p.


Steen, D.A., M.J. Aresco, S.G. Beilke, B.W. Compton, E.P. Condon, C.K.Dodd, Jr., H. Forrester, J.W Gibbons, J.L. Greene, G. Johnson, T.A. Langen, M.J. Oldham, D.N. Oxier, R.A. Saumure, F.W. Schueler, J.M. Sleeman, L.L. Smith, J.K. Tucker, & J.P. Gibbs. 2006.Relative vulnerability of female turtles to road mortality. Animal Conservation 9:269-273.

Burgess, M.E. and T.M. DeLorenzo. 1995. The rehabilitation of 30 western pond turtles (Clemmys marmorata) exposed to diesel fuel. pp. 15-34 In C. Rineer-Garber, ed. The Effects of Oil on Wildlife. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference. Seattle, WA.

Corkran, C.C. 1987. Status and potential for breeding of the Common Loon in the Pacific Northwest. pp.107-116. In P. I. V. Strong, ed. Papers from the 1987 Conference on Loon Research and Management. North American Loon Fund. Meredith, NH.

Corkran, C.C. 1992. Spring weather can be a killer. Sialia 14(3):83-84.

Corkran, C.C. 2001. Anecdotes from a central Oregon bluebird study. The Murreletter 9(1):7.

Corkran, C.C. 2001. When snags are scarce: Saving birds using nest boxes. Mazama

Corkran, C.C. 2004. Birds in Nest Boxes: How to Help, Study, and Enjoy Birds when Snags Are Scarce. Naturegraph Publishers, Happy Camp, CA. ($15.95)

Corkran, C.C. and C. Thoms. 1996. Amphibians of Oregon, Washington and British Columbia: A Field Identification Guide. Revised. Lone Pine Publ., Edmonton, AB. 175 pp. ($19.95)

Fouts, D. R. 1996. Ten years helping purple martins in the Pacific Northwest. Purple Martin Update 7(1):7-11.

Gaddis, P.K. and C.C. Corkran. 2008. Reproductive biology of the chestnut-backed chickadee Poecile rufescens) in northwestern Oregon. Northwestern Naturalist 89(3):152-163.

Sharp, B. E. 1996. Post-release survival of oiled, cleaned seabirds in North America. Ibis 38(2):222-228.

Sharp, B. E. 1997. Avian population trends in the Pacific Northwest. Bird Populations 3:26-45.

Thoms, C., C.C. Corkran, and D.H. Olson. 1997. Basic amphibian survey for inventory and monitoring in lentic habitats. pp.35-46. In D.H. Olson, W.P. Leonard, and R.B. Bury, eds. Sampling Amphibians in Lentic Habitats: Methods and Approaches for the Pacific Northwest. Northwest Fauna No.4. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology. Olympia, WA. ($12.00)

MacRae, D. 1998. Turkey vulture migration over the strait of Juan de Fuca between Canada and the United States. Vulture News 38:2-9.

***Reports can be ordered from NERI, 130 NW 114th Ave., Portland, OR 97229. (503)643-1349.