Sunday, December 14, 2008

About NERI


The purpose of the Northwest Ecological Research Institute (NERI) is to further knowledge of Pacific Northwest natural history through research, training, and dissemination of information.


The Northwest Ecological Research Institute (NERI) is a small, non-profit organization. From our name, you’d think we’re rather formal, but we’re not. We are a group of naturalists, teachers, wetland specialists, scientists, and students who like to work on projects related to native wildlife and plants. We’ve been around since 1985. Our projects have included surveys of amphibians and turtles, research on chickadees and bluebirds, monitoring of wildlife and mitigation plantings. We have conducted numerous workshops that provide training in field survey and wildlife identification techniques. Enjoyment of working out in the field is a characteristic of our associates, as well as a goal of our projects. Care to join us? For more information, write to us at: Northwest Ecological Research Institute, 130 NW 114th Avenue, Portland, OR 97229


  1. Whats hapenning out there? Everybody that works conducting community restoration should read the June issue of Ecological Restoration. The article on the reasonable person model is the best most concise right on description of how to do successful community conservation.

    If you need to get your hands on a copy let me know. Also am looking for some good geological maps around Kimberly in the John Day Basin. Word? And how about some natural groundwater storage monitoring got specs?

    thanks soon

  2. So I recently ran into this Forest Service poster asking people not to hike on talus to protect pikas and salamanders. Ran into a lot of guff from hikers who don't think this is real. Char Corkran's name was on there. I don't see any report listed on your Report's and Publications page about this. Can you send me a link or pdf or something that led to this?
